Click on the D'var Torah you would like to watch When watching, please hit SUBSCRIBE, Click the BELL, and hit like if you enjoy these Divrei Torah Watch Rabbi Eli tell us to choose life Watch Rabbi Eli talk about murder Watch Rabbi Eli say that diapers are disposable, people are not Watch Rabbi Eli explain 'If I were a wealthy man' Watch Rabbi tell us how to live through the toughest times Watch Rabbi Eli explain why Tisha B'av is a holiday of hope Watch Rabbi Eli explain why we should not buy Lottery Tickets Watch Rabbi Eli say that it is OK to be angry with G*d Watch Rabbi talk about superheroes and the 7 Dwarfs Watch Rabbi tell us to keep peace with those who dislike our political choices Watch Rabbi Eli talk about achieving spirituality Watch Rabbi Eli discuss when prayers are too long or too short Watch Rabbi Eli Prepare us for Yizkor Shavuot Watch Rabbi Eli discuss why history is so important Watch Rabbi Eli Discuss What We Are Worth Watch Rabbi Eli Discuss Memorial Day Watch Rabbi Eli discuss if G*d stopped talking to us Watch Rabbi explain why we must love our fellow Jews Watch Rabbi Eli say "I'Never again'... Just words?" Watch Rabbi Eli spill the beans on our secret weapon to survival (Yizkor) Watch Rabbi Eli discuss "only the good die young at 105 Watch Rabbi Eli tell the importance of Spirituality Watch Rabbi Eli discuss War is Hell Watch Rabbi Eli ask why we remain Jewish Watch Rabbi Eli tell why it is better to listen than to talk Watch Rabbi Eli explain why a two state solution is a non-starter! Watch Rabbi Eli explain why a ceasefire is not peace Watch Rabbi Eli describe why it takes more than clothes to make the man 2o24o224 Watch Rabbi Eli talk about why sometimes killing is OK 20240210 Watch Rabbi Eli learn about G*d from and 11 year old 2024 02 03 Watch Rabbi Eli Explain that the longer route may be better - 1/27/2024 Watch Rabbi Eli Search for the Right Question - 1/20/2024 Watch rabbi eli trying to figure out when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em - 1/19/2024 Watch Rabbi Eli describe his love for Dr Martin Luther King: 1/13/2024 Watch Rabbi Eli imagine if Moshe would be at the burning bush today - 1/6/2023 Watch Rabbi Eli's Angry Rant about Jewish Situation - 12/30/2023 Listen to Rabbi Eli discuss the current rash of bomb threats - 12/23/2023 Watch Rabbi Eli tell what happened - 12/9/2023 Watch Rabbi Eli debunk Hamas lies - 12/2/2023 Watch Mel Lidman and Rabbi Eli - 11/25/2023 Watch Ethel and Ethel DC Trip Report and Rabbi Perlman's comments - 11/18/2023